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Saturday, January 15, 2011

A big O'family

This year was probably the best baseball year of my life (probably Craig's too, but for different reasons). But I didn't know it was going to be. I was nervous about learning the ropes of a new place, making new friends, and I was going to miss my dear, sweet Heather who had been my support for the past 4 years in and out of the baseball world. And free spirited, all loving Kalee, who taught me that Yoga can help me  become one with myself. Baseball friends can be just like high school and college friends. You're together for 4 years then graduate and move on. Stay in touch, with some, but spread all over the continental US. We wives see so many people come and go, but, every now and again you find someone you click with. Just like your bestie from high school that went to a different college and you thought you'd never meet anyone that could understand you as well as she did. Then you find that wonderful girl you were lucky enough to get as a roomie and she's your Maid of Honor but moves to go to Med school. Baseball friends are the same. Its hard not seeing those who have been with you constant for 6 months in a strange city and not knowing if they will be around the next season.
See I hadn't meet anyone in Spring Training, so when I got to Baltimore I didn't know where to park, or sit, or wait after the game. Might sound petty, but REALLY important info for a wife. So I was a "little"apprehensive about walking into a large group of girls and saying, "Hi guys", like a big nerd. Don't get me wrong, I'm a fairly confident girl. I had had some training. I was in a sorority. I went through rush! But lets be honest...girls are SCARY! And I have to admit that I need a label that says "WARNING No Filter". I know I'm an acquired taste so I never know what people will think of me. However, my anxious feeling lasted about a millisecond because this group of girls were warm and welcoming and made every effort to include a new comer! This season was spent traveling and experiencing new cities-compliments of BIKE and ROLL, going to dog parks, going out to dinner to avoid the ballpark, and sometimes actually watching a game!!!! I never thought I could meet such a well rounded, fun loving GROUP of girls!
One of the most rewarding experiences of this season was the Bible study offered to us. I enjoyed every minute of this monthly gathering, gaining strength and serenity from the amazing group of girls. I realized I wasn't the only one who had doubts or stress or worry about our lifestyle and the bumps that we often find in the road. As Craig and I prepared to go through another round of IVF, the group prayed for me and encouraged me to remain positive. I feel they gave me the hope I needed to trust that God would see us through, no matter what the outcome. I never really understood or had witnessed the power of prayer until this year. I could never express how grateful I am for my prayer warriors!                                                                        
New York
Bike and Roll - San Francisco
Duck Ride - San Diego

White Sox Game
Wedding Weekend in Houston
We will miss you TaTa

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